Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Career vs. Job and the bullshit it isn't

Customer Service Jobs suck--in fact work sucks, unless you make it a career?-- Go ahead make pretend you have a career--then masturbate to your own power that's what career really means in this day and age.
I work at a cellular company. I like to call it a public utility, for one or two reasons, mostly cause it pisses the people off who don't get that is really what cellular companies are. Go ahead look that shit up. I like the job for the most part, it has it's ups and downs. Within the first ninety days, while still in training (training lasted forever in this job) I got written up for sitting on someone's lap for like five seconds. Silly me, I was being playful and they were being bitches. Laying in wait like the lap police or something. I knew I was targeted. I had made a couple of people mad because I don't like being told what to do in a way that isn't specific or appropriate or respectful and I'm really clever at throwing it back in your face when that happens. They had tried to yell at me a couple of other times, but this time, they had it on film or something? Probably not, but they might as well have. Well, some people don't appreciate my candor or my humor, go figure. Anyway, when I was called into the BOSSES office for my faux pas. Here is a little side note before we get started, I was seven in the center the previous month my first two weeks on the phone, maybe that pissed someone off, I'm not sure. I was in trouble in the classroom atmosphere within the first week for challenging something, (that fucking classroom learning  lasted two months, misery loves company. Back to when this happened, I was actually "on the phones." Colloquial for cellular companies is quickly learned. Anyway, I was reprimanded when I was called in the office,  first by being told,  "These people are not your friends" Preaching to the choir there..I say. But I figured that best thing to do was to apologize. So, I started the whole, "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry" stick. Well, of course, the next thing that was said was that if I was a guy doing that to a girl, (wasn't the case it was another girl's lap) that I could get fired. I love how those committed to their own company misery can throw their perceptions around to try and guilt trip you. I wonder if a guy sitting on another guys lap was going to get that guy fired too. I was a girl, sitting on another girl's lap, playfully..kind of sweetly..I wish I would have turned it into a duck, duck goose game, that would have been fun. After reprimanded me sufficiently for the act of terror I had apparently committed the "BOSS" decided that I should apologize to the person I had offended so deeply. Who I am to argue? So right then, the bozz (that's the more respectful term I can come up with here) marched me across the call center. If you haven't guessed already, I work in one.  so I could apologize to the person whose lap I had sat in. I figured at this point, I should give a really good show, I like to act. I apologized with such profound conviction that I had the girl looking at me so intently (or maybe she just had a crush on me?) that I even thanked for for her intent look as part of the apology. I know I was convincing. Then the BOSS said something about if I didn't learn now, I might be sitting on anyone's lap..oh my I couldn't resist throwing that in the mix, and said, "Yes, thank you for bringing this to my attention, if I didn't learn now, I might have just kept sitting on everyone's lap."  I have never done this before that I know of, but it sounded good, don't think I sounded sarcastic, even though I was being that way in my thoughts, I wasn't playing around with this ridiculous situation I was being thrown in. Then the BOSS thanks the person for not making it as big a deal as she could have..and states she still has to go to HR with it. TARGETED MUCH? Human resources, based on a small sentence suspends my rights for working overtime (sad me) and a raise for six months on a code of conduct violation, you guess which one, cause I have yet to figure it out. They called it one thing, but from the video I had to watch as part of my punishment, I'm not sure that would have fit. In fact, I don't think there is a violation that they could really stick me with that would fit, they made that shit up. I feel that I followed more than enough protocol for what I did. I pissed people off because I have never been programmed to take any of them THAT seriously. I mean you work in a call center. I don't think your life can be taken that seriously, no matter what position you have. Its all just a job, but please do remember that if you don't have a supervisor that can make shit up for what you did wrong, they don't have a job.
 I am not even sure there is such a thing as a career anymore, and if there is, I'm pretty sure that wasn't the definition..? Maybe I am wrong. I am not thinking it's a career. I thought I had a career as a teacher, that wasn't a career. I think a career might be where you are not someone else's slave in the big picture. Maybe I should look up what a career is and post that too. That should be the name of this rant. What is a career?  I'm pretty sure every owner of a fast food establishment would like all those people working there to consider what they are doing as a career too! I mean that means you are bought in heart and soul and think that this is your only job for life. It's a fucking lie, but it serves it's master well.
Here is an experiment for you, go look up
HOW DO I KNOW IT"S A CAREER on GOOGLE. What I got was answers for "HOW DO I KNOW IT"S TIME TO CHANGE JOBS" now is that what I typed, no it's not, but that's the secure position a typing in career will get you these days.
If you want to know more about how many "careers" people actually have in a life time, refer to this:
Here is the latest report that came up in my search (notice I did not search hard) for things like can you afford to retire, how many jobs have you had according to this 2004 report. If your interested in these sorts of things you can read it.
I am not really interested as it bums me out too much and really can not have any relevance on my life. I sit on people's laps remember? I have no real relevance in the "political correctness" of today's concerns. It's all bullshit to me.
Okay, so next time, you won't have to cut and paste the links, but this time live with it, you are sitting on your couch with nothing better to do anyway right? That's right mother fucker, cut and paste. I think I ought to have a better lay out too. I'm not sure what that means, but I really am serious about this blogging thing, cause when I am sitting on my fat ass on the couch that's about what I have left to do as well. Every time you see a well thought out beautiful page, I want you to have that image in your head of that person in their narcissistic thought patterns, sitting on the couch admiring how well thought out their own page is. Welcome to our day and age of data transfer and selfishness.
Love, Allakara